
Fake Amazon Alexa App Makes It to Top Charts on Apple’s App Store

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated June 14, 2021

Fake apps on app stores have become a major problem for a number of companies and Amazon is now a prime target for fake app developers. A fake Alexa companion app was spotted that has made its way into the Top Charts on Apple’s App Store.

The app was first reported on Reddit, and neither Amazon or Apple have taken action against the app yet. it is likely that the app will be taken down and the developers will have their accounts revoked from the platform. The fake Alexa app was developed by “One World Software” who have other questionable apps on the platform as well like “Marketplace – Buy/Sell” with a color scheme very identical to Facebook and an “Any Font for Instagram” app.

Fake Amazon Alexa App Makes It to Top Charts on Apple’s App Store

Image Courtesy of 9to5Mac

Google has had a lot of issues with fake apps in the recent past, and a number of changes were made to the digital store to prevent such issues. Apple’s App Store, on the other hand, has been quite rigid with its screening, and it is a surprise to see that the fake Amazon Alexa companion app was approved. However, this is not the first time Apple was tricked. The number one utility app, Adware Doctor on the Mac App Store pulled off a similar stunt by leaking private user data.

Amazon has not yet commented on the issue and is likely to take legal action against the developer. The e-commerce company had its hands full this week with a very large number of Alexa devices being sold during the holiday season causing the smart assistant to not work as intended on Christmas day.

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