During this year's developer conference F8, Facebook has made a clear statement that the company is moving on forward after the latest scandal with the Cambridge Analytica. During the keynote, Facebook Chief Security Officer, Alex Stamos presented the image of the world map with highlighted areas showing Facebook users. Naturally, a very few spots remained in the dark. In his speech, later on, Mark Zuckerberg stated that the company aims to fill in those dark spots on Stamos' map.
Zuckerberg continued talking about how everyone at Facebook is focusing on the future and how the company's main goal is to make the world smaller by connecting people in more meaningful ways. He mentioned that Facebook currently has 2.2 billion monthly active users and that this platform is the main source of communication for the majority of them. Whether they want to find out the latest news on certain topics or get in touch with their relatives, Facebook is their primary choice. Not to mention how easy it is for people and companies to push their own agendas these days through the platform like this. Zuckerberg also noted that people can now get in touch with like-minded individuals and famous people whom they would never get the chance to meet in person.
Image Courtesy Of: Engadget
As Engadget says, Facebook now owns some of the most popular social media apps like Instagram, WhatsApp, and let's not forget its own chat app Messenger which has over 1.3 billion monthly users. And then there is Oculus, a VR service which the company bought back in 2014. It seems like if there is anything good on the market, Facebook will make sure to own it, and if it cannot own it they will just make their own version of the product. We saw this happening when the company was unable to buy Snapchat in 2013 and instead, Facebook just made their own feature "Stories".
During the F8, the company also announced introducing their own dating service in a few months from now. Again, instead of buying Tinder, Facebook is just getting into this aspect of our lives by making their own service. Recently there has been a debate in the academic circles whether Facebook is becoming too powerful and almost impossible to avoid on the internet and whether that is a good thing. There are definitely concerns that this company is having a monopoly in the world of social media, although Zuckerberg denies that.