
A look Into Zuckerberg’s Notes For The US Senate Hearing

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated July 12, 2021

Following the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was called to testify in front of the US Congress. Apparently, 87 million users’ personal data were siphoned and misused by CA which happened due to Facebook not taking user privacy seriously. There is also news that the stolen data was used to influence voters during the 2016 presidential elections. Now, as Zuckerberg came to testify in front of a house of senators, he brought with him a thick binder of notes addressing certain issues of relevance and guiding him on how to tackle these questions.

Of Course, the notes were not voluntarily disclosed but thanks to photojournalists in the room, we now have access to two pages of these notes.

AP photographer Andrew Harnik Zuckerberg's Notes

Image Courtesy of AP photographer Andrew Harnik

The best picture of Zuckerberg’s notes was taken by AP photographer Andrew Harnik, from which you can clearly get a glimpse into how Zuckerberg prepared for the hearing. As you too can see from the picture, the notes are divided into sections and each section consisting of bullet points of things the CEO ought to keep in mind.

Some notable highlights from Zuckerberg’s notes would be the brief summation of all relevant information pertaining to Cambridge Analytica incident, as well as a short point on being resentful for not doing more audit, and refraining from telling people. After CA, there was the Compensation section which highlights the kinds of information which were compromised, and then there was a heading - Reverse lookup, which cites all measures taken by the social media company in light of the incident.

Following this there are many more sections headed as Accountability, Data Safety, Business Model (Ads), [...]/wellbeing, Defend Facebook, Tim Cook on biz model, Disturbing content, Election integrity (Russia), Diversity, Competition, and finally at the end of the second page we get few points on GDPR.

Here is a comprehensive look at the entire two pages of notes uncovered from the photograph.

Cambridge Analytica


Reverse lookup (scraping)


Data safety:

Business model (ads)


Defend Facebook

Tim Cook on biz model

Disturbing content

Election integrity (Russia)



GDPR (Don’t say we already do what GDPR requires)

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