In most cases, we would always recommend updating to the latest Kodi version available. However, as you're about to see, that rule doesn't always apply. You've probably heard that Kodi 19 'Matrix' has been released – and we have some important information before you decide to use it. So, let’s talk about whether you should update to Kodi v19 'Matrix.'
As you already know, Kodi 19 is a major new version (in contrast to being an incremental update) of this home theater software. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise to know that Kodi 19 brings plenty of changes and improvements, as highlighted below.
After all of that said, it’s clear that Kodi 19 comes with much-needed improvements across the board. However, we also have some bad news – so keep on reading.
At the moment, the biggest con to updating to Kodi 19 is the situation surrounding its addons. This version of Kodi relies on Python 3, which makes a large number of addons incompatible and non-functional. As you can imagine, this can be a deal-breaker for many users.
Must Read: Seeing the “This Addon Is Not Compatible with This Version of Kodi” Error Message? Why?
Right now, you can count on around one-third of Kodi’s official repository. It used to offer more than 350 addons, which were accessible (and still are) through Kodi 18 'Leia.' However, if you decide to update to Kodi 19 now, you will find around only 100 compatible addons.
This situation is the same with "unofficial" Kodi addons that you download from the Web. The majority of those don’t work and aren’t compatible with Kodi 19.
And now, let's answer the big question – should you upgrade to Kodi 19 now, or perhaps it's better to wait? We don't have to think too hard regarding answering that question, as the above-explained situation already points out.
If you use Kodi with your media library only, there's no reason not to update to Kodi 19. Your movies, music, TV shows, and photos will transition seamlessly, allowing you to interact with your favorite content in new ways.
However, if you primarily use Kodi to run addons, it’s best to wait for now. The chances are that many of your favorite addons won’t work. Therefore, your meticulously collected library of addons will be broken – and we’re sure you don’t want to see that happen.
So, do you plan on updating to Kodi 19 – or perhaps you’ve already updated? Let us know what you think via the comments section below. And lastly, thank you for reading!