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VPN Guides

How to Configure & Use NordVPN on MikroTik

Written by Shummas Humayun
Last updated May 22, 2024

MikroTik routers can run VPN connections through the IKEv2 EAP protocol. However, having RouterOS version 6.45 or later is mandatory, as NordVPN won't work on older versions. All you need to do is create an IKEv2 EAP VPN tunnel from your router to your preferred NordVPN server.

This is done by accessing the RouterOS terminal manually and changing the settings. It's a one-time process that fully enables the VPN on your Wi-Fi network and lets you protect all the devices connected to it (as many devices as your router can support).

In this article, we'll teach you how to configure and use NordVPN on MikroTik with step-by-step instructions.

How to Configure NordVPN on MikroTik

To configure NordVPN on MikroTik, you first need to install NordVPN's root CA certificate manually. After that, you need to update your service credentials and preferred server's hostname, along with some other settings. Here's a step-by-step guide.

1. Subscribe to NordVPN using your computer and any Web browser.

2. Open the NordVPN account dashboard and click on 'NordVPN.'

3. Choose 'Set up NordVPN manually.'

4. Enter the verification code from your email inbox.

5. Copy your Username and Password under the box 'Service credentials (manual setup).'

NordVPN Service Credentials

6. Open the terminal in the settings of your RouterOS.

7. Now, install the root CA certificate of NordVPN by entering the below command:

/tool fetch url="https://downloads.nordcdn.com/certificates/root.der"
/certificate import file-name=root.der

8. Go to the NordVPN Server Tool and note the hostname for the VPN server you want to use.

Copying NordVPN server hostname

9. Set up the IPsec tunnel by creating a Phase 1 profile and a separate Phase 2 proposal configuration:

/ip ipsec profile
add name=NordVPN
/ip ipsec proposal
add name=NordVPN pfs-group=none

10. You have to create a new policy group and template now.

/ip ipsec policy group add name=NordVPN
/ip ipsec policy add dst-address= group=NordVPN proposal=NordVPN src-address= template=yes

11. Create a new mode configuration entry with responder=no with the following commands:

/ip ipsec mode-config
add name=NordVPN responder=no

12. Set peer and identity configurations next and add your NordVPN credentials copied earlier.

/ip ipsec peer
add address=nl125.nordvpn.com exchange-mode=ike2 name=NordVPN profile=NordVPN
/ip ipsec identity
add auth-method=eap certificate="" eap-methods=eap-mschapv2 generate-policy=port-strict mode-config=NordVPN peer=NordVPN policy-template-group=NordVPN username=YourNordVPNServiceUsername password=YourNordVPNServicePassword

13. To choose what to send over the VPN tunnels, enter the commands below to create a new list:

/ip firewall address-list
add address=YourLocalNetworkIP list=local

14. Next, assign this list to mode-config using the below commands:

/ip ipsec mode-config
set [ find name=NordVPN ] src-address-list=local

15. When done, verify the correct source NAT rule is generated by using the following command:

/ip firewall nat print

Final Thoughts

The process of configuring NordVPN on MikroTik may appear complex and difficult at first. However, it's quite straightforward. And you don't need to repeat the process every time you want to connect. Once it's set up, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of NordVPN on all your devices.

Fortunately, NordVPN allows you to connect up to 10 devices simultaneously through its apps and Web browser extensions. For the times when you're away from your router, remember to download and install NordVPN on all your other devices.

That's all! Now you know how to configure and use NordVPN on MikroTik. If you have any questions, connect with us using the button below. Thanks for reading!

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