You are probably sending lots of messages and emails on a daily basis. We are sure that those messages and emails contain all kinds of attachments like photos and videos. However, saving those photos on the Messages app might not be as intuitive as many of us hoped them to be. This is why we'd like to tell you how to save photos from messages on iPhone X. Continue reading to learn more.
The good news is that the Messages app allows you to easily save all kinds of attachments. These attachments are then kept locally on your phone - which means that you can access them at all times. No matter if you want to save one or multiple photos, here's how it's done:
Image Credit: iMore.com
Image Credit: iMore.com
If there's only one image that you want to save, there's a quick way this can be done.
As you can see, there are different ways to save images. We hope you've managed to learn how to save photos from messages on iPhone X.
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