Tech Guides – What Does This IP Mean? How to Use It to Access Your Router’s Admin Panel?

Written by Novak Bozovic
Last updated June 21, 2021

Before you can connect to the Internet, you need to set up a router. As such, this is a crucial piece of equipment that serves as a gateway for all your Web-connected devices. However, many are not familiar with the numerous options that every router brings. Since the only way to access it via its IP address, we will explain this procedure. So, keep on reading to learn more about the '' IP and what it actually means.

Private or Public IP? Where Does the '' IP Address Fit In?

Before we can dive deeper, you need to understand a few basic things about IP addresses. This will give you a clear idea of their roles and why you need to be aware of your router’s IP to access it. Let’s spend some time getting to know the basics about private and public IPs and where the '' IP fits in.

What's the Difference Between Public and Private IP Addresses?

There are millions of IP addresses out there, but each of those can be placed in one of two possible groups: public and private IPs. Here’s the breakdown.

What Does the '' IP Mean?

As you can tell by now, the '' IP is a private IP. In case we want to be more specific, we could say that this is a 'Class C' IP address.

To understand this, take a look at the table found below. This is a relatively small subset of private IPs typically used by home routers. Companies like Linksys, NETGEAR, Cisco, and D-Link are the most popular router manufacturers relying on this IP.

Class Starting IP Ending IP # of Hosts
A 16,777,216
B 1,048,576
C 65,536

Know that all of those IPs work in the same way. There are no better or less good options. The only difference here is that some routers use IPs from one class, while others might be using IP from another class. This helps avoid overall confusion in the IT community and can be helpful in large networks and systems.

What Can You Do Using the '' IP Address?

You can use the IP to access your router’s admin panel. In case your router is set to use this IP by default, all it takes is to use your Web browser to access it. And that, you can do that following.

How to Use the '' IP Address to Connect to Your Router?

Those of you with routers based on the IP can access it via your Web browsers. Just about any browser will do the job on just about any device. Let’s take a closer look at this procedure.

Router Brand Default Username and Password
Cisco cisco – cisco
admin – admin
admin – (blank)
Linksys (blank) – admin
admin – admin
NETGEAR admin – password
(blank) – password
admin - (blank)
admin – 1234
(blank) – 1234
D-Link (blank) - (blank)
admin - (blank)
admin – admin
Admin - (blank)
(blank) – admin
manager - manager

What If You Can’t Connect to Your Router via the '' IP?

Even though this should be an easy process, some problems might happen along the way. This is why we are going to present a list of quick fixes. Keep on reading.

How to Find Your Router’s IP Address?

Do you know that you can check your router’s IP in under one minute? This applies to every popular platform. And most importantly, this is a straightforward procedure.

For example, you can check your router's IP on Windows by running the Command Prompt. You can also find your router's IP on macOS via System Preferences. And finally, both iOS devices and Android devices can be used to check network IP addresses.

That would be all you need to know about the '' IP. We hope that you managed to use this article to learn something new and that you’ve made your Internet connection more secure. Finally, thank you for reading!

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