Tech News

Mozilla Teases Ad-Free Firefox Internet Browsing for $4.99 Per Month

Written by Bill Toulas
Last updated September 24, 2021

Mozilla teases an upcoming Firefox experience that will be made available to subscribers for $4.99 per month and will offer some unique perks in return. Calling it the “Firefox Ad-free Internet”, Mozilla is working feverishly to create this new platform, but for now, you can only take part in a relevant survey and register your email to get a notification when it launches. The survey is set up in a way that will help Mozilla determine if there’s an audience for this platform or not, and if the whole venture is worth the trouble or not.

Here are the four perks that the subscribers of this new Mozilla service will be able to enjoy:

So, from the above perks, it looks like the proposed platform will be heavily focused on news discovery and article reading, and there’s a large market for that of course. Mozilla is trying to find ways to increase their revenues and also their market share, trying to offer unique services like the “Premium” version that we discussed last month, and which comes with an integrated VPN service. Within the same strategic plan, they have launched “Firefox Send”, introduced the Lockbox tool, and are trying to integrate Tor into the Firefox browser as a “Super Private Browsing” mode.

Will you be willing to pay $4.99 per month to receive the above perks, or is the cost too much for what’s you’ll get in return? Let us know in the comments down below, or on our socials, on Facebook and Twitter.

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