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Where Are Disney Plus Downloads Stored?

Written by Gabriela Vatu
Last updated July 8, 2021

Disney Plus has been around for a little over a year, and it allows folks to download content so they can watch it offline later on. As many people are wondering where they can find the Disney Plus downloads stored, we thought we'd jump right in and solve this issue.

First of all, Disney Plus only allows people to download content on iOS and Android devices and not on PCs or game consoles, or any other type of device. That can be quite the bummer, but it is what it is - they figure that you'll more likely use that feature when on mobile to avoid paying the extra mobile data.

Then, another thing we must mention is that you can't find the downloads in another way other than via the app. The data is encrypted, and you cannot locate it if you go digging through the folders on the device. There's no specific folder to look through.

This, of course, is an anti-pirating feature, and it is meant to avoid folks sharing the content via any means. If anyone wants to watch something on Disney Plus, they can subscribe to the service.

How to Access the Disney Plus Downloads?

Once you've downloaded a video on the Disney Plus app, whether a movie or an episode, there's only one way to find them.

There you go. We're sorry you can't find the content in your phone's folders, but that's Disney's doing. We do hope we've cleared things up for you.

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