
Scientology To Launch TV Network With Streaming Apps Included

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated May 20, 2021

With the ever-changing world of modern technology, Scientology is also improving their marketing game. The body of religious beliefs, founded by L. Ron Hubbard is launching a TV network and will come with a streaming app as well. Their network will be broadcasted through AT&T’s DirecTV as well as Apple TV, Roku devices, and on iOS devices as well.

For the Church of Scientology, building their TV network was “the next emphatic advance in our global dissemination crusade and the future of Scientology dissemination planet-wide: A Scientology television station [and a] Scientology radio station.

Scientology TV app

Image Courtesy of Wiki24

For some time now, David Miscavige, the head of the Church of Scientology, has been working on its own dedicated network. Internationally acclaimed actor Tom Cruise has also been linked to helping the church start its new media company. In fact, back in 2015, there were indications of the construction of a $50 million studio.

Regarding what will be playing on their TV network, the church has mentioned programs like "L. Ron Hubbard: In His Own Voice," “Voices for Humanity,” and “Meet a Scientologist.” The network might also feature some of the celebrity Scientologists such as Cruise, Miscavige, John Travolta, among others. The main aim of the programs will be to recruit new members for their Church. There hasn’t been any official say on what type of content to expect on its mobile app, but people are expecting some on-demand clips and live fare to be available.

To some extent, Scientology’s entry into media is being considered a defensive strategy. A 2015 HBO documentary titled Going Clear, was directed at the institution and accused them of systematic abuse as well as harassment. Besides the Emmy winning documentary, many Youtubers and other critics make it their job to defame the group for some of their practices.

With all this bad publicity, the group has decided to make their voice hear and challenge all their accusers. Their TV network seems to be the media to do so.

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