Inuyasha is a timeless classic anime series set in a world full of humans and demons. The story follows a 15-year-old schoolgirl, Kagome Higurashi, transported to the Sengoku period of Japan after falling into a well in her family shrine. During her time there, she meets a half dog-demon named Inuyasha.
Higurashi possesses a powerful magical jewel, which a monster from the Sengoku era tries to take from her. This causes her to break the jewel into many shards that scatter across Japan and into the possession of various demons and humans. We follow Kagome and Inuyasha as they try to retrieve the shards before the half spider-demon Naraku can find them.
The series is a fun adventure fantasy anime that also features romance. It features several traditional anime tropes like friendship, romance, and fantastic action sequences. The animation of the series has also been done brilliantly, with each story arc presenting a new adventure!
If you call yourself an anime fan, this series is a must-watch! Inuyasha has seven seasons, with 193 episodes covering a vast plotline. A sequel series named Yashamine: Princess Half-Demon was also released in 2021 and comprised two seasons with 48 episodes.
The recommended order for Inuyasha is its chronological order. We do not recommend skipping the movies. The series includes about 20% of filler episodes and can be skipped. However, the fillers do not hinder the flow of the story and are quite entertaining. Fans looking to watch the series can check it out on Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll.
Check out the full list of Inuyasha episodes, movies, OVAs, and the chronological and release order to watch below:
Release Order
Season 1 (2000-01)
Episodes: 1–27
Canon: All
Fillers: None
Season 2 (2001)
Episodes: 28–54
Canon: All
Fillers: None
Season 3 (2001-02)
Episodes: 55–82
Canon: 55-58, 60-62, 66-71, 73-74, 80-82
Fillers: 59, 63-69, 72, 75-79
Season 4 (2002-03)
Episodes: 83–110
Canon: 83-88, 102-110
Fillers: 89-101
Season 5 (2003-04)
Episodes: 111–138
Canon: 111-126, 131-132
Fillers: 127-130, 133-138
Season 6 (2004)
Episodes: 139–167
Canon: 141-161, 164-167
Fillers: 139-140, 162-163
The Final Act (2009-10)
Episodes: 168 – 193
Canon: All
Fillers: None
Yashamine: Princess Half-Demon Season 1 (2021)
Yashamine: Princess Half-Demon Season 2 (2022)
Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (2001)
Inuyasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass (2002)
Inuyasha the Movie: Swords of an Honorable Ruler (2003)
Inuyasha the Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island (2004)
Black Tessaiga (2008)
Chronological Order
Season 1
Season 2
Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Movie)
Season 3
Season 4
Inuyasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass (Movie)
Season 5
Inuyasha the Movie: Swords of an Honorable Ruler (Movie)
Season 6
Black Tessaiga (OVA)
Inuyasha the Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island (Movie)
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