Streaming Guides

How to Fix Disney Plus Error Code 4?

Written by Gabriela Vatu
Last updated July 8, 2021

Signing up for Disney Plus may be the best move you can make ahead of this Christmas since they have so much cool content prepared for you. Nonetheless, if you've stumbled over Error Code 4 on your way to subscribe to the service, let's see how you can overcome the problem. 

We could not complete your purchase request at this time. Please try again. If the problem persists, visit the Disney+ Help Center (Error Code 4).

So, how hard is this to solve? What's the cause behind you getting this error? Well, let's see exactly!

What's Causing Disney Plus Error Code 4?

Before you fix Disney Plus error code 4, you need to know what the problem is. Given the message Disney provides, they didn't manage to complete your transaction. 

You may have typed in the wrong card number, provided an invalid ZIP or postal code, the wrong security code or expiration date, or you didn't use a US-based card. You may have also tried using the wrong card - one that's not used for payment. 

How Can I Fix Disney Plus Error Code 4?

Fixing up the Disney Plus Error Code 4 is all in the details - you need to make sure you fill in the right information. 

Should you still have issues, make sure to contact the Disney Plus customer support team, as they are available 24/7 over chat, phone, or social media. 

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