
TiVo at CES 2018 Claims Google Assistant and Alexa Addition

Written by Thoinot Arbeau
Last updated May 20, 2021

TiVo is looking to become a serious player in the media field, and at this year's CES they shared a few additions to their DVRs. Launching of the new TiVo’s Next-Gen Platform is already old news, and TiVo now looks to expand their features to voice assistants. Voice assistants are going to be compatible with their devices according to TiVo at CES 2018.

The company also claims their future support for IFTTT, which will bring cool new features as well. However, the exact date on when these additions are going to be available is yet unknown, but the upgrades are expected sometime this year.

Google Voice Assistant

Details About Upgrades By TiVo at CES 2018

Users will be able to operate either Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa on their DVRs. The two popular voice assistants will work differently though. Alexa is expected to have more basic functions and is meant to replace remote control buttons like select, pause, play, and record. Google Assistant, on the other hand, will be more versatile. You will be able to search for your recorded content, turn off the lights when a program starts, and others.

TiVo will also support IFTTT (If This Than That) software and work together with your other gadgets. Various applets will be available like skipping forward when a commercial break is detected, pausing the content when a doorbell rings, displaying the text on the screen when you receive SMS, etc.

Amazon Alexa

Final Thoughts

Hands-free voice commands are becoming mandatory for smart homes, as more and more companies are implementing the tech to their products. So it comes as no surprise that voice assistant compatibility was announced by TiVo at CES 2018 as well. They are trying to stay competitive, and these upgrades might as well give them the 1UP.

Are you looking forward to using voice assistant technology with your TiVo? How well do you expect it to work? Tell us about your take on this subject by writing a comment below.

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