It looks like Sprint is trying to utilize the upcoming hype regarding the new device category named Always-Connected PC. This new device is a result of Qualcomm and Microsoft partnering up in order to create a platform powered by Snapdragon and always-on LTE connectivity. This platform was introduced at CES 2018.
The Sprint cell carrier has decided to bring in the offer which targets Always Connected PC users specifically. Those who own this kind of devices like the Lenovo Miix 630, Asus NovaGo or HP Envy x2 can claim their free and unlimited LTE package from Sprint by the end of 2018.
Image Courtesy Of Windows Blog
Users should also be informed that this offer is coming with autopay feature enabled, so if they decide to quit using Sprint's free LTE service, they should cancel their subscription plan before December 31, 2018. Otherwise, they will automatically pay the fee for the next period.
The Always-Connected PC platform can still be considered a work in progress. Even though the majority of users have been satisfied with the features they were promised by both Qualcomm and Microsoft, there have been some problematic reviews. At a first glance, we can say that both performance and the battery life of these computers are on a very high level. However, it is unclear if their number of users will keep increasing throughout 2019.
Microsoft claims that this is a beginning of another major technology shift. "We have the ability to be connected anytime, anywhere with Always Connected PCs that are instantly on, always connected with incredible battery life.", said Microsoft's Terry Myerson.