
SPMC Creator Ends Work On His App To Join MrMC

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated July 8, 2021

Chris Browet a.k.a. Koying, the creator of the popular forked version of Kodi - SPMC, is leaving his creation to join MrMC, another popular forked version of Kodi. As a result, development on SPMC will stop, but Browet will be invested in further development and maintenance of MrMC. Users can get the app on Android and Fire OS devices.

Chris Browet tweet

Image Courtesy of Chris Browet (Twitter)

MrMC was initially created by Kodi developers Scott Davilla a.k.a. Davilla and Zeljko Ametovic a.k.a. Amet. Both of them were the pioneers to have ported Kodi, formerly XMBC to the Android Platform. However, both developers have left the project, and so Browet has stepped in to keep Kodi’s Android development up and running.

The Kodi team has had trouble with attracting help from Android developers. Most of the time, they have solely relied on the advancements made by SPMC and MrMC, both of which are open source apps. SPMC and MrMC are famous in the community for using Kodi’s original code and taking it to new levels on mobile platforms like Android, Fire OS, and iOS.

Even though SPMC development has come to a halt, it is still great news to learn that the creator of the former will work with MrMC. This puts top Android media center developers working on the same app which will surely make it better than its current iteration.

Furthermore, along with Browet’s arrival to the MrMC team, the app will also enable Python-support which will allow the app install third-party add-ons. This will allow the team to integrate the popularly requested Plex Add-on along with custom skin support into the application. However, users will still not be allowed to install add-ons of their choice as that is against Amazon and Apple store’s terms and policy.

Finally, MrMC is a paid application that will cost users $2.99. However, for users who want a free version, the team has also released a MrMC lite version.

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