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How to Fix ‘Cannot Connect to iTunes(Error 6)’ on Paramount Plus?

Written by Gabriela Vatu
Last updated July 8, 2021

Why am I seeing the Subscription Failed: Cannot Connect to iTunes (Error 6) message when I'm attempting to sign up for Paramount+ via my iPhone or iPad device. If you're asking yourself this, you're in the right place.

Paramount Plus is finally here, and there are some bumps in the road for some folks, it seems. If you're seeing a message telling you your subscription failed on your iPhone, it's easy to fix.

"Subscription Failed: Cannot Connect to iTunes (Error 6)" is the exact error some iOS users are seeing, as they're trying to subscribe to the service or renew their subscriptions.

Thankfully, it's just a miscommunication with iTunes, so it's fairly easy to fix.

Fixing "Cannot Connect to iTunes (Error 6)"

If you keep getting the error saying "Regrant Failed" or "Cannot Connect to iTunes: Error 6", it's all due to an Apple security issue. So, here's what you have to do:

Such an easy fix for an annoying issue! From here on out, if you ever have the same problem, you'll know to check for the Apple IDs.

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