OGusers is a marketplace for selling stolen Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Minecraft, Fortnite, Skype, Steam, and many more types of accounts. Of course, the "stolen" part isn't exactly mandatory, as one can just sell their own accounts for money, but the particular marketplace has won its notoriety thanks to users offering multiple rich sets of scrounged account credentials. However, hacking is not a one-direction thing, and when you have valuables for sale, you're always a target to other hackers. After all, stealing is the hard part, and having someone else do the hard part for you is the preferable way to go.
As the administrator of the marketplace announced in the forums: "It appears someone was able to breach the server through a custom plugin in the forum software and get access to an old backup dating December 26, 2018. OGUsers has been online close to 3 years now, and this the first time any breach has occurred. I do understand everyone's frustration, and I am deeply sorry this has all happened recently. You must realize other sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox, Forums you have used in the past, and many more have been breached at least once. People are targeting the site 365 days a year. Again, I am deeply sorry this occurred, and I will do my best to make sure it never happens again."
So, what did the "other hackers" stole from the hackers? OGusers forum usernames, passwords that are encrypted with the MD5 algorithm, emails, IP addresses, and even private messages. From the website itself, the hackers stole various data, including source code. Now, could this be someone from the FBI or the Interpol, trying to bring the marketplace down and bring its operators to justice? Considering what has been going on in the past few weeks, this is very probable.
OGusers have long indulged in SIM swapping to steal the accounts that are for sale there, and SIM swapping is considered a serious offense that is strictly punished by the courts. This has caused great concern among the OGusers userbase, and people are quitting the platform one after another, fearing that the law is closing in. Others attribute this to hackers who simply wanted to get their hands to valuable accounts, going after the associated money. Whatever the case, trust in the platform has been breached, as hacked accounts can now contact others through private messages and trick them into giving out more information.
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