
Google Is Adding Faster URL Copy and Share Actions to Chrome

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated June 14, 2021

A recent update to Chrome Dev and Canary introduced a new change that allows users a faster means of copying and sharing URLs from the search bar. The feature was shown off when Chrome’s Duet interface was first introduced. Users were left guessing how the demoed feature actually worked but with the feature finally available in the latest beta; we can test it out ourselves.

In its current iteration, visiting a webpage on Chrome with Duet enabled you can tap on the search icon, and the current URL would automatically get selected. You can simply long press the URL, and you will be able to copy the URL and share it manually. Whereas in the latest beta you can simply tap the search icon and it opens up a new search bar which allows you to enter a new URL and a second bar becomes visible with the current URL allowing you to edit, share or copy it.

Chrome Beta

Image Courtesy of Android Police

The copy icon that is visible on the current version of Chrome has a copy button which is not visible in either the Chrome Dev or Canary beta builds. You will need to tap on the search button to manually get access to it. While it is not a major change compared to the removal of malicious ads or its recent crackdown on forced website subscriptions, it is a quality of life change that was long overdue.

If you want to test out the new feature, you need to download either Chrome Dev or Canary and enable the chrome://flags/#enable-search-ready-Omnibox flag if you do not see the change. One of the downsides to the change is there is no visible way of changing the current URL if you want to edit it before sharing or simply want to move to a different page on the same website using a quick URL change.

What do you think about the changes coming to Chrome users? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to like this story and subscribe to our socials on Facebook and Twitter.

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