
How to Fix Disney Plus Error Code 85?

Written by Gabriela Vatu
Last updated July 8, 2021

Disney Plus is a pretty awesome platform, and it not only comes with a ton of cool content, but it also features some great perks. For instance, it allows people to have up to seven different profiles on their accounts to accommodate multiple family members and their own preferences.

So, when you're hit with the Disney Plus Error Code 85, what is there to do?

We’re sorry, but we could not delete your user profile. Please check that this is not your main profile and try again. If the problem persists, visit the Disney+ Help Center (Error Code 85).

Oops, it looks like you can't delete that particular profile. 

What's Causing the Disney Plus Error Code 85?

The reason you're getting this error is fairly simple - you cannot delete the main account profile. Every Disney Plus account has at least one of these, and you can't delete it. All the others are fair game. 

How Can I Fix Disney Plus Error Code 85?

If you want to fix the Disney Plus error code 85, you simply have to redirect your attention. You will not be able to delete the main profile. In fact, the main profile is even missing the 'delete profile' option, so we're unsure how you ended up trying to delete it in the first place. 

If you're still facing issues, you may want to contact the Disney Plus customer support team. They're available 24/7, so someone will be available to help you over chat, phone, or social media. 

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