
Apple Introduces A New ‘Everyone Can Create’ Curriculum

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated June 16, 2021

Alongside the announcement of the new 9.7-inch Apple iPad, the tech giant has also introduced a new and free 'Everyone Can Create' curriculum. Similar in certain aspects to the successful Everyone Can Code initiative, Everyone Can Create helps teachers integrate aspects of filmmaking, music, photography, and drawing into existing lesson plans.

The curriculum was developed in collaboration with educators and creative professionals, and bundles in innovative learning resources and teaching guides, coupled with multiple ideas and examples that can help cultivate creativity in students and also transform learning some subjects (traditionally considered boring) like maths and history into fun activities.

Everyone Can Create

Image Courtesy of Apple

The Everyone Can Create curriculum is designed to take advantage of the new powerful iPad which students can get at a discounted pricing of $299. It also supports the Apple Pencil - though sold separately and priced at $89 for students - to help draw/create on the tablet.

The device gets powered by the A10 chipset, boasts a Retina Ready display, and bundles in impressive cameras for taking excellent shots. This hardware specs sheet has support from iOS 11 on the software front and provides students, as well as teachers, with free and powerful apps like Pages, Numbers, Keynote, GarageBand, Clips, and iMovie, along with 1.3 million other apps made available through the App Store.

Apple has also introduced a new app called Schoolwork with the iPad, and it will be similar in ways to the successful Classroom app, introduced earlier. The app will help teachers create assignments, and keep track of students’ progress in a convenient manner.

In the words of Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing, Philip Schiller, “When you combine the power of iPad, the creativity of Apple Pencil, over a million iPad apps in the App Store, the rich curriculum in Everyone Can Code and Everyone Can Create, and unique Classroom and Schoolwork apps that support students and help schools manage technology in the classroom, we believe we can amplify learning and creativity in a way that only Apple can.

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