
Amazon Fire TV OS Absent from CES 2018

Written by Thoinot Arbeau
Last updated October 2, 2021

One ingredient was not a part of CES 2018's recipe but definitely should have been. The fact that Amazon Fire TV OS was Absent from CES 2018, has left many fans thirsty. Last year, during the same show in Las Vegas, Amazon proudly announced new 4K "Fire TV Edition" TV sets. This was intended as an operating system for budget TVs and a good way to access Amazon's Prime content easily. So, what happened to it?

Can We Expect Amazon Fire TV OS Later in 2018?

Another very good idea that Amazon had when it comes to Fire TV OS has to do with Roku. It was a great plan to hinder Roku's upward trajectory and stop it from monopolizing the mid-range market. And it actually worked. Therefore, we are left to hope that we will see Amazon Fire TV OS somewhere down the road in 2018.

Amazon Prime TV

On top of that, Amazon has for a long time had their eyes (and budget) turned towards streaming devices. Therefore, it was a good time to shift their focus to something that could more effectively attract customers. By playing the role of the main software on the TV, customers could have the most direct way to get to their favorite Amazon Prime content. In addition, at the time, the Fire TV Edition was advertised very aggressively. With that in mind, it should not be something that Amazon would give up on anytime soon.

The User Experience Was Great

Former users of Amazon Fire TV OS were disappointed to find out that this product was absent from CES 2018 for several reasons. The fact is that most of them were very satisfied with the experience they got. Amazon gave them the ability to control the TV by using an existing Echo and Alexa Voice support was present in the remote control from the beginning. Therefore, users had one complete experience and felt that it was easy to control all of their devices that were now in unison. Let's wait and see whether Amazon will continue this series and whether we'll get something new out of it.

Amazon Fire TV User

Final Thoughts

Have you had any expectations from Amazon Fire TV OS at this CES 2018? It entered through the front door last year, so it was only natural to expect the same thing to happen this year. What issues with it would you like to be addressed with the next edition? We hope to find out.

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