
Amazon Opens Its Alexa Skills Store to Non-Developers

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated September 28, 2021

If you are an Alexa device owner and like creating Alexa Blueprints, you can now publish them publicly on the Skills Store. Amazon announced that any user who wants to create new voice skills can publish Alexa Blueprints to the Skill Store with no pre-requisite. When it comes to functionality, Alexa Skills can be used for a wide variety of purposes including building voice skills, setting up weather alerts and more.

You do not need to be a coder to be able to create Alexa Skills for your device, the online tool is very user-friendly, and users can create quizzes, flashcards, and other tools fairly easily. The Blueprints creation tool was launched last year, and Amazon has added a number of features over time. Custom templates, Chore Charts, and other unique features were added to the app.

Alexa Skills

Image Courtesy of Amazon

While Amazon has not revealed specifics on how many users use the Blueprints creation feature, the e-commerce giant is excited about the current level of adoption. With Alexa Skills creation opening up to the public, we can expect a large number of users to upload their creations to the platform. There are currently 80,000 voice-based blueprints available right now, and the number is set to increase with non-developers publishing more of them.

There is a lot of customization available when it comes to the tool. Users can also upload audio skills via audio feed URLs and customize messages. Existing templates can also be used for custom skills. Publishing is already available on the official website, and users simply need an Amazon account to get started.

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