
Over 400 YouTube Channels Removed Following Pedophilia Controversy

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated June 10, 2021

YouTube has removed tens of millions of comments and has removed over 400 channels this week following the widespread controversy surrounding the platform’s content. The video sharing platform was found to be ineffective at protecting children and removing content that attracts pedophiles. Multiple businesses had their advertisements being shown in inappropriate videos as well.

The YouTube Creators team responded to a video posted by YouTube content creator Philip DeFranco. The team offered an update on how they are taking action against objectionable content on the platform as well as its users. Many comments have been reported to law enforcement as well. Google will continue to monitor any suspicious activity on the platform to ensure the platform is free from inappropriate content.

Prior to the issue becoming so heavily discussed, YouTube had defended its algorithms stating that the system works more than 90% of the time. However, after advertisers like Epic Games and Disney pulled ads from the platform, immediate action was taken by Google. Even with advanced algorithms, uploaders find ways of tricking the system to not detect inappropriate videos and they get a free pass and monetization benefits as well.

A large number of internet users and news outlets have criticized YouTube, but there are content creators on the platform who have defended the service as well. Philip DeFranco who is one of the most prominent creators and is known for his commentary-style videos revealed that YouTube has been fighting inappropriate content for a long time.

DeFranco said in his video “Once they were made aware of the offending content, they handled the situation. Which, again, is why it’s important that instead of saying, ‘YouTube allows this, and they’re happy about it’ — because once again that is an insane argument — the best thing we can do is report disgusting monsters like we would anywhere else on the internet.”

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