
Wistron to Make Apple iPhones in India Following Ministry Approval

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated June 16, 2021

It was rumored towards the end of 2018 that Apple wants to stop being dependent on China for manufacturing its iPhones. With a manufacturing plant already set up in India, the tech giant is set to ramp up its production with its second major factory at Bengaluru. India’s IT Ministry has approved Apple’s manufacturing partner Wistron to set up a $1m factory that could see upcoming flagships being made in the country.

Apple has been unable to tap into the Chinese and Indian markets due to the steep pricing. While Chinese customers are inclined to buy much cheaper locally made products that compete with flagships, the Indian market is restricted by high import duties that drastically increase iPhone prices. Manufacturing iPhones in India will allow Apple to cut down on taxes and offer its devices for much cheaper.

With the IT Ministry giving the green signal to the factory it is up to the Indian Cabinet to offer the final approval. Apple’s other manufacturing partner Foxconn is looking to set up a new plant to manufacture more iPhones as well. Foxconn already has a manufacturing plant that was used to produce the iPhone SE and the iPhone 6S.

Manufacturing iPhones in India could reduce prices by as much as 40% in India, making the devices much more affordable to the masses. Apple’s sales figures have not been impressive according to analysts and local production of iPhones just might be the best step forward for the tech giant. The change could see iPhones becoming more affordable in not only India but also in the South-East Asia region, which is a very price sensitive market.

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