Streaming News

Say Goodbye to These Titles on Netflix in June 2019

Written by Gabriela Vatu
Last updated July 8, 2021
via Marvel

There are so many cool movies that Netflix features on its platforms and it's always great to be able to come back to them. Sadly, they have a shelf life, so there's a whole list of titles that are going away come June.

Whether we're talking about Apollo 13, Kill Bill, Legally Blonde, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, or Mother, there are quite a few titles we're sure you'd love to stream again. We'll tell you which of them are going away so you can hurry up and watch them before June begins. You can also check out the list of titles that are coming to Netflix this June.

June 1

June 4

June 5

June 6

June 14

June 15

June 16

June 24

Which movies are making it on your list of titles you want to watch before they go away? Tell us all about it in the comments section below the article. Share the news online so others can make their own lists and follow TechNadu on Facebook and Twitter for more tech news, guides, reviews, and interviews.

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