The US Department of Justice and KickassTorrents legal team finally went head to head at the court for the trail of Artem Vaulin. The Popular torrent site went dark suddenly on the last July with its owner being charged with two copyright infringement.
According to the Defense lawyer Ira Rothken, the case is flawed he told that Torrent files don't come with copyright content.
“Torrent files are not content files. The reproduction and distribution of torrent files are not a crime,” the defence attorney told TorrentFreak.
He also added that “If a third party uses torrent files to infringe it is after they leave the KAT site behind and such conduct is too random, inconsistent, and attenuated to impose criminal liability on Mr Vaulin.”
According to the Prosecution if Vaulin wanted to rule over the request he must voluntarily come to the US to speed things up until then prosecutor Devlin Su asked the court to wait for the extradition hearing in Poland.
"KickassTorrents operated as a piracy flea market, with an advertising revenue of about $12.5 million to $22.3 million. Comparing it with Google is nonsense", Su argued.
The Illinois District Court will soon make a decision after weighing the arguments of the two teams.
Vaulin was meanwhile transferred from a Polish prison to a local hospital due to some complications in health a few weeks back, where he remains under heavy guard.