
South Korea Proposes New Stricter Internet Control Law

Written by Bill Toulas
Last updated September 27, 2021

The Korea Communications Commission (KCC) has laid out its key plans for 2019, focused around the promotion of user rights and the creation of a fair competition ecosystem. While this sounds good, advocates of freedom of speech and unrestricted internet access fear that the new law proposals will actually undermine the value and online experience. According to them, the new legislation has the potential to empower the country’s government to selectively shut down the domestic operation of online entities that don’t comply with their strict requirements.

Until now, companies that are engaged as online service providers experience a type of a double standard in South Korea. Locally-based companies must comply with the Korean regulations, while foreign entities don’t have to. This creates an unfair competition environment, and so native companies have repeatedly expressed their complaints to the government. Among the various amendments that are proposed, there is the following clause that concerns foreign internet companies:

What this means is the foreign entities such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google will have to operate South Korean user data storage servers locally, with the help and cooperation of a specified native partner. If they fail to do so, or if they repeatedly violate the clause, the Korean government will have the power to penalize them, or even impose a shutdown.

While this may not sound evil, people are concerned that the goal of the government is to actually gain more control over the internet traffic in the country, dip its nose deeper into the users’ internet browsing activities, and generally violate their people’s online privacy. While the chairman of KCC denied these allegations and claimed that they simply want to create a fair and safe online environment, the recent story about the government's plans to monitor SNI handshakes doesn’t help in convincing the suspicious.

Do you believe that South Korea is on its way to a stricter internet, or is this going to work to their benefit? Share your thoughts in the comments section below, and don’t forget to also check our socials on Facebook and Twitter, where more tech news are posted continuously.

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