
Sergey Brin Talks About The Threats From AI In The Annual Founders’ Letter

By Goran Spasojevic / April 28, 2018

Every year, the Alphabet group releases a Founders' Letter to the public. In the 2017 edition, Google co-founder Sergey Brin talks about the latest technology improvements in the field of computer science but also expresses his worries about AI development and its possible impact on the future jobs and society.

The letter starts by quoting the opening lines of "A Tale of Two Cities", by Charles Dickens. At first, Brin notices that the computer power has experienced a real boom since 1998, right at the time Google was founded. In that time, he says, the principles and techniques that are now being used for neural networks and contemporary AI development have only been a forgotten concept in the computer science. The way AI is being used by Alphabet to power its companies and services is stunningly huge and presents a real technology renaissance. Brin continues to talk about the role AI has in discovering new planetary systems and even diagnosing diseases among already "regular" appliances of this technology like self-driving cars. The Verge noticed that Brin didn't refer to the military applications of the AI. This topic created a debate in the tech world earlier this year when Alphabet stated that the company is helping the military with AI-powered image recognition software for drones.

Artificial intelligence artwork

Image Courtesy Of Be Encrypted

Google co-founder then continued talking about AI in a more worrying matter. Brin mentioned the problems humanity could possibly have in the future. He said that the company is taking matters like the future of employment, challenges of unbiased algorithms, and even the possibility to manipulate people with AI, very seriously. Brin closes his letter with an optimistic view of the future, but a future that requires deep responsibility and care from the leading companies in these fields. One thing is for sure, there is no turning back on AI.

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