
NordVPN Launches a Cloud Storage Add-On for NordLocker

Written by Bill Toulas
Last updated July 31, 2021

NordVPN contacted us to announce the launch of a cloud storage service for NordLocker, the encryption tool they made available last year. This complements NordLocker nicely, as users will now have the option to also store their files on the cloud.

Businesses may cherish this new option for various reasons. One is that the uploaded data will be synchronized and made available for access through multiple devices - all without compromising the security of the data, considering that everything will be encrypted beforehand.

Users will now be able to simply drag and drop files onto NordLocker, and then choose whether to keep the encrypted data locally on their device or move them to NordVPN’s cloud. The company underlines how encrypting first and uploading second is a pioneering practice in the field since most other cloud service providers accept the user’s files first and then encrypt them on their servers.

NordVPN’s approach gives users one more guarantee that the company won’t be able to access the contents of the uploaded files. Other cloud storage solutions just encrypt the storage itself and not the data, which is not the preferable approach - and this is not how NordLocker works.

So, if you hold sensitive files, such as work-related documents, private photos and videos, cryptocurrency notes, financial and legal records, or any piece of confidential data - you may want to consider using NordLocker. In our in-depth review of the product, we praised it for being easy to use, having client-side file encryption, and following a zero-knowledge approach.

The only downside was the pricing, which can bring hefty costs if you need to upload and sync a lot of stuff, but most businesses would find great value in the investment. However, there’s a free tier too, offering up to 3GB of secure cloud storage.

Cloud storage is an option that makes many people anxious, as they worry about the possibility of data leakage, an undiscovered API flaw that may result in the scraping of the data, etc. Besides the fact that NordVPN is contracting independent auditors to regularly scrutinize their systems, NordLocker uses such powerful encryption (AES-256, ECC, Argon2) leaves little to worry about. Since the files are encrypted before they are uploaded on the cloud, they will be locked and unreadable even if they are leaked.

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