According to the report of Wall Street Journal, Nintendo is planning on doubling the production in this year.
Nintendo’s original plan for the switch through the end of 2017, was to produce 8 million unit but based on the demand of the customer to double their production to 16 million units.
This means the switch already sold about 13.5 million units of Wii U over the course of four years and then 17 million units of Wii were sold-out in the first full year after its holiday launch. This was the huge mass sale in the holiday season.
Nintendo seems that as the switch has caught with no consumers and sold out to all the place, and likely in no small part of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild is the Gaming giant to switch production to previously expected level.
The most popular game, Super Mario Odyssey to reach the target sales by the end of the year would be more holiday sale and then they add few surprising features at this year's E3 too. And it will reach the past success of Wii U’s luckluster.
Surely, this year holiday sale will reach the company’s target.