Based on reports that come from people who like to fiddle with beta versions of apps, Netflix is currently testing a somewhat peculiar “audio only” mode on the mobile app. The option is actually given through a new “Video Off” button, which turns the screen pitch black, leaving the user with just the audio playback.
Seeing this may raise eyebrows at first, but thinking about it, it could be that Netflix is contemplating the idea of introducing podcasts on the platform.
But since podcasts are not to be seen anywhere on Netflix yet, the only practical reason to use this mode at the time is to save on precious internet mobile data while still keeping up with your favorite shows. If that’s even possible at all.
A few shows rely more on conversations to have their storyline unravel, so some people could find the experience mesmerizing. Others may find this feature useful for helping them fall asleep, or simply to have background noise while working on something else.
The options of the “Audio Only” mode that offers headphones or external speakers or set it to “Always On” no matter what’s being used aren’t helping figure out what this is about. Still, they point to the introduction of podcasts again. Until the feature rolls out completely, we may get to have more details around what it’s about.
The feature appeared in version 7.84.1 build 28 35243, but it may take some time before it reaches you, depending on your location. Maybe the best way to figure out what the “Audio Only” mode use is to play around, fiddle with the options, watch a dialogue-rich episode, and see how it feels.