Streaming News

Netflix Introduces “Scene Replay” as a New Experimental Feature

Written by Bill Toulas
Last updated July 8, 2021

In another chapter of experimentation, Netflix has added a test feature that allows users to rewatch a highlight scene of a show. This option comes in the form of a pop-up that is asking the users whether they would like to “watch this scene again?”. That said, the selection of the scenes is predetermined and include the most prominent and impressive ones.

Of course, this pop-up interruption didn’t sink in well for all Netflix users, as some have naturally expressed their dissatisfaction and irritation. Having multiple messages popping up during watch time can certainly cut off the viewer’s dive into the movie plot and atmosphere. This possibility for frustration is exactly why Netflix always tests out these features before they roll them out to the full spectrum of its subscribers.

They have done it before with video promos between episodes, skipping intros, showing suggestions on the log-in screen, and the list goes on. Some features have made it to the standard package, and some were ditched as they were deemed too intrusive for the user experience. This time, and with the “Scene Replay”, it looks like Netflix has limited the testing of the experimental feature to the North America region, and only for a few of their original movies.

Experimentation and evaluation is a core component of Netflix’s success, as the company finds the right way through the exploration of what’s possible and its correlation to what users actually want. This has been proven to be a solid business strategy, as Netflix is comfortably breaking record after record on its sales, with the most recent success in figures being confirmed by Sensor Tower data just last month.

Would you like to see the “Scene Replay” feature getting rolled out to all Netflix regions and subscribers? Let us know of your opinion in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to show some love to our social pages on Facebook and Twitter, where users join together to discuss the day tech news.

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