
Much Awaited Fortnite Feature Hits This Tuesday

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated May 26, 2021

It has been around ten weeks now that Epic Games has been teasing users about a new event they will be introducing to Fortnite with the upcoming Season 4 of the game. And as of this coming Tuesday, the wait will be over.

The final teaser for Season 4 of Fortnite was just released on the official twitter account for the game and was tagged with the phrase “Brace for impact.” The image shows us four figures in silhouette standing near the edge of terrain filled with caters.

In light of all the fan theories, the in-game arts, and all new animation leaks, it seems that the new event will revolve around some sort of comet which we saw hurtling toward the map during season 3. During the finale of the season, there were noticeable meteor showers in the sky which progressively started smacking into the ground, in close proximity to the players and the building.


Image Courtesy of Twitter (Tanunvich)

Further advancement started to showcase telescopes on the top of the buildings which arose speculation to the giant comet in the sky. The TV’s in the homes also transmitted an emergency signal that showcases a giant pinata (the mascot for the game) across static color-bars during the transmission.

Currently, the most popular fan theory is that these ongoing meteor shower will either destroy Tilted Towers or at least will completely transform it. However, all these speculations and nail-biting excitement don’t need to carry on any further as we will know firsthand what will happen in just a matter of hours.

Also, since it is the end of the season, players interested in getting extra goodies including the ability to earn bonus cosmetics and experience, can do so with the season pass that will be offered at $10. Furthermore, if any of you have been meaning to add to your collection the goodies that come with the Season 3 pass, then you only have a few hours to do so.

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