
Microsoft Is Using Build 2018 To Announce Future Plans For The Fluent Design

Written by Goran Spasojevic
Last updated June 10, 2021

A year ago Microsoft had introduced its Fluent Design updates for Windows 10. On this year's Build conference, the company is unveiling its future plans for the Fluent Design. These subtle changes include shadow effects which will create more depth in apps across the whole interface followed by modernized context menus.

Microsoft also addressed the issue of the back button controls in apps. Right now, the developers can place the back button within the app or at the top of the application. This makes the interface confusing at times. The newest navigation changes will implement support for keyboard shortcuts and even Xbox One controller. This could make navigating through the apps very easily.


Image Courtesy Of: TNW

These changes can make a more refined version of Fluent Design and force Microsoft's own app developers along with third-party app developers to stay consisted and adopt the Fluent controls. So far there was an inconsistent implementation of the Fluent Design across the apps.

Another thing that the company is paying attention to is the developers' critique regarding the very large interface controls. This happens, as The Verge says because Fluent Design is mostly optimized for touch-screen devices like tablets. Microsoft admits that this is an issue and that they are working on smaller controls, especially for mouse and keyboard users. There is a possibility of implementing a compact mode which could dense the interface in more complex applications.

It looks like Microsoft is using this year's Build conference to show its users that it is taking a new direction as far as the design goes. One thing is for sure, we can expect these small changes to freshen up the look of Windows 10.

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