There has been news suggesting how users of Kodi are continuously exposed to malware threats. This very week, a Hollywood report claimed that there are some malware variants in the Kodi media-boxes. The funny thing is that all the reports which are putting these serious allegations on Kodi based media-boxes have no solid proofs to support their claims.
Users who access copyright-infringing content through Kodi are now facing millions of frustrating baseless threats. What looks like a warning in the favor of users at the surface is a new anti-piracy strategy by the entertainment industry groups. It is another attempt by mega-players to demonize the hundreds of piracy-enabled set-up boxes.
Through their allegations, these claims are making the vulnerability of these media-boxes obvious. The claims put forward that the media-box users are putting themselves in danger by exposing themselves to the perils of viruses and malware.
Throughout the last decade, we have seen many such claims against media-players and other similar devices; not just because it is a perfect sensational media piece, but because they put fear in the hearts of users.
While this by and large benefits mega-players fight their version of piracy, it consistently acts as a source of irritation. On the other hand, people who know better have contrasting views on the situation.
As per a recent Kodi-related video on YouTube in which the CEO of Security Company GroupSense, Kurtis Minder has been interviewed, there are several places on the dark-web where people are promoting and selling malware-enabled media devices.
Kodi, which is now a source of entertainment for millions of homes has been openly attacked by the CEO of a security company. Minder, who revealed this news, works closely with Digital Citizens Alliance (DCA). We have researched that DCA is closely affiliated with the entertainment industry and has been a prime source for Kodi malware stories.
While many people believe that these are fake and misleading news to scare people out of the piracy enabled media-boxes, some found a line of truth in it. As per a presentation on Kodi threats by Minder’s company—prepared for a conference of Western Attorney General—Kodi set-ups can be hacked by outside parties.
‘If users avoid simple measures while setting up Kodi’s Web-Interface, they might get vulnerable to privacy hacks. The malware infections by such attacks may disclose personal information of the user including their internet behavior and IP addresses - the report added.
On the other hand, Avast, the world’s most popular anti-piracy vendors, in one of their reports informed that they did not have any Kodi-related malware problem in the recent past.
In another similar report, TV add-ons, which is the largest repository in the world, informed that the similar allegations can be put on any site you visit that doesn’t use forces HTTPS. Adding to that, all the third party add-ons on Kodi are supported by GitHub encryption.
According to the news, DCA will publish a new report on Kodi Malware by next week. And perhaps it will have stronger evidence of the malware in the Kodi media boxes.
What do you think of these baseless allegations by DCA? Let us know in the comments.