
The “Kodi No Limits” Channel Got Terminated by YouTube, in a Frenzy of Clearing

Written by Bill Toulas
Last updated July 8, 2021

YouTube has terminated the "Kodi No Limits" (KNL) channel, and visitors of the channel page will get the following clear message that indicates the fact: “This account has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user posted.”

People who post tutorials on how to pirate content on YouTube have had a comfortable setting so far as they weren’t doing anything illegal really. However, it seems that the pressure from copyright holders to YouTube has risen to unprecedented levels, and all relevant material is targeted without respite. Some creators have seen many of their videos being removed, others have found their accounts getting demonetized, and some of the “larger players” like Kodi No Limits who had more than 600000 subscribers, are getting terminated. Of course, people can still find numerous Kodi tutorials on YouTube, but it has become evident that a clearing process is now underway, and no channel that is too big to draw attention (and reports on copyright infringement) will survive it.

The owner of KNL is not giving up though as he has already created a new channel on YouTube, named “No Limits”, but this channel is bound to get terminated too if the content is similar to the previous channel. YouTube is still unclear as to what constituted the multiple copyright infringement that led to the termination, and chances are that they will never clarify that.

For now, KNL can live through its Twitter page, Instagram, and it’s own website of course, but the community is much smaller there. This brings up the question of whether the traffic is going to move on other platforms now that YouTube is banning all accounts of this type, or if most people will just give up on piracy. In my opinion, it’s going to be a little bit of both. If more social platforms follow suit with YouTube, then piracy is going to take a notable blow.

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