
Google Introduces New .app TLD For Apps On The Web

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated June 14, 2021

Google just announced .app - a new top-level domain (TLD) from Google Registry. For those of you don’t know, a TLD is essentially the last part of a domain name. For example, in “,” the .com part is the TLD.

Now besides .com, there are plenty of other TLDs in the market, .org, .net, and so on. Google just launched another one into the list which is specifically directed towards apps and app developers. The .app TLD ensures added security which will help to showcase these apps in a protected environment.

.app TLD

Image Courtesy of TechCrunch

The basic advantage of the .app domain name is that HTTPS is compulsory to connect to all websites using this TLD. This means, there will be constant protection from ad malware, tracking injections by ISPs, as well as protection from being spied on by open WiFi networks. Again, since the TLD is enforcing security on all websites during general registration, hence it will help propel the WorldWideWeb over to the HTTPS-everywhere future.

Furthermore, the .app TLD is spot on with app developers and applications in general and hence will be easy for users to find the website of a particular app and learn more about it. The new domain can also be used as a landing page where developers can boast download links, and keep their users up to date regarding all recent developments, and also provide deep links to in-app content.

Now for those of you who are interested, the .app domain is available starting May 1st 9.00am PDT till May 7 as a part of Google’s Early Access Program. This will allow users to secure their desired domain ahead of general availability for an additional fee. And then, starting May 8, the TLD will be made available to the general public via their registrar of choice.

Developers can go ahead and visit the page to see all the sites that are currently enrolled with the .app domain.

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