
Google Duo Update 32 Allows Users to Export Call History

Written by Nitish Singh
Last updated June 14, 2021

Google Duo Update 32 finally enables call exporting through CSV files. While the feature was discovered in the code of older versions of the app, it required a workaround using Android Debug Bridge to be accessed. With the latest update, users can access the feature without any workarounds.

Unveiled in 2016, Duo is Google’s answer to Apple FaceTime and WhatsApp. The app is a free video calling solution that allows users to communicate over video or voice calls. The app features end-to-end encryption and uses phone numbers to set up contacts instead of Google IDs. The app has unique features like Knock Knock, which allows users to see the live image of the caller before picking up a call to avoid online harassment or spam callers. Google markets it as a very simple to use app accessible to any user with a modern smartphone.

Google Duo Call Export

Image Courtesy of Google Duo

Call exporting can be accessed through the UI using the overflow menu located at the top right corner. Clicking on the Help and Feedback menu will allow users access to the Export Call History option. The export menu will allow you to copy the entire call log to your clipboard, email it using the Gmail app or export it to Google Apps like Drive or Keep. All of the options retain the CSV formatting style and includes data like contact names, phone numbers and call information.

The new feature is a server-side addition to the app and not a Google Play Store or Apple App Store update. All users with Google Duo version 32 or above should be able to see the new option in the Help and Support menu and export their call logs. Users who do not have Google Duo can download the app on any supported Android devices from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to try out the video calling app.

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