Following revelations that link the recent El Paso and Dayton mass shootings with 8chan's community, the world is disgusted with the popular imageboard website. According to an announcement by Cloudflare, the terrorist gunman was inspired by forum postings on 8chan which acted as the fostering platform for his ill intentions and racial hatred. Moreover, the terrorist posted a screed on 8chan right before he went on to commit his atrocious act. This incident, combined with a similar occurrence that happened on 8chan immediately before the Christchurch mosque mass shooting in New Zealand in March, has led Cloudflare to the decision to terminate their service to 8chan.
This practically means that the popular forum website is no longer protected from DoS attacks, as Cloudflare has rescinded their protection services. As the company clearly states, the rationale is that 8chan have proven themselves to be lawless and not caring about the tragic deaths that are the direct results of their unmoderated, racist, and violent community. As Cloudflare points out, they are not the strictest of companies when it comes to tolerating objectionable content, but at some point, a line has to be drawn, and for platforms like 8chan there can be no tolerance or possible justification.
The founder of 8chan, Fredrick Brennan, has admitted that he created a monster and calls for the website to just shut down immediately. Mr. Brennan is no longer related to the website, but as its creator, he believes that the current administration doesn’t care about what mentality is cultivated on 8chan, and thus its users are very likely to commit crimes of violence again and again in the future. The only way for this to stop according to Brennan is to shut the website down. In the meantime, he congratulated Cloudflare for their decision to retract their support to 8chan, which makes the platform vulnerable to attackers.
Thank you so much @CloudFlare. Finally this nightmare might have an end. I just want to go back to making my fonts in peace and not have to worry about getting phone calls from CNN/New York Times every time a mass shooting happens. They could have prevented this and chose not to.
— Fredrick Brennan (@[email protected]) 🦝🔣📗 (@fr_brennan) August 5, 2019
This drop from Cloudflare has caused a major disruption to 8chan, which at the time of writing this is offline. As the admins of the website clarified, the downtime may extend to up to 48 hours as they are trying to find a solution. However, nothing has been said about the recent mass shootings, whether 8chan is going to take a new approach on moderating their community, or if they believe that hate speech is still part of the freedom of expression that they so firmly stand by.
Do you believe that everyone should have a right to speak their opinion no matter how horrible or appalling it may be, or should platforms like 8chan be shut down forever because they nurture gruesome acts? Let us know what you think in the comments down below, or join the discussion on our socials, on Facebook and Twitter.