
Android tops the list as the most used OS on the internet than Windows

Written by TechNadu Staff
Last updated June 14, 2021

For the few years, the tech industry has believed in the top of the almighty Microsoft Windows. According to data by NetMarketShare, Windows is one is the most used operating system in the desktop space with more than 90.45% of devices are powered by the operating system.

Nowadays, most of them preferred ways of accessing the worldwide web in OS. According to the report of StatCounter, that the Android user base is more compared to the Windows. The main reason is Android devices are cheap than the traditional personal computer.

Actually desktop and laptop were the leading ones for accessing the internet but the recent report said Android devices has overtaken Windows as the most used operating system for internet usage. The reports say the internet usage is due to user base number so technically still more PC user than Android users, but the cheapness and ability to surfing, OS is overtaken now.

The interesting thing is that Android overlook Windows last month with internet usage market share across the world at 37.93% comparison to the 37.1% usage on Windows OS.

That's true in Asia, the deciding factor to Android is on  52.2 compared to 29.2 percentage for windows. The reason for Asia being so contrasting in terms of market share can be because of the most people would opt to choose a smartphone rather going for a PC or a laptop.

Windows remain the top desktop OS by a large margin, with 84 percent marker share. The StatCounter CEO, Aodhan Cullen said, " Windows won the desktop war but the battlefield moved on".

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