
A New Massive User Account Data Dump is For Sale on the Dark Web

Written by Bill Toulas
Last updated September 17, 2021

The credentials of about 620 million accounts from 16 websites that were hacked during the past two years are currently for sale to stuffers and spammers. Each hacked platform has yielded a unique collection of data that can be separately sold to anyone interested, while the whole bundle costs approximately $20000 in Bitcoin. Some of the hacked websites had already informed their users of the data breaches since last year, while others have only realized it now, or opted to keep it secret until today. In all cases, people that had their accounts compromised are urged to immediately change their passwords used in the hacked and any other websites as well.

Here is a detailed list of the account credentials that are on sale right now:

At least one person has already purchased the above data, and while the passwords are hashed with SHA256 in most cases, hackers nowadays won’t find it very hard to decrypt passwords hidden behind such obsolete hashing algorithms.

According to The Register, the seller of the above data dump claims that he has as many as 20 databases containing a billion accounts to dump online, while others will be kept secret for private use. As he/she stated: "I don't think I am deeply evil. I need the money. I need the leaks to be disclosed. Security is just an illusion. I started hacking a long time ago. I'm just a tool used by the system. We all know measures are taken to prevent cyber attacks, but with these upcoming dumps, I'll make hacking easier than ever."

Are you still not using a password manager? Let us know what your approach is against all these data dumps, and share your thoughts about security in general in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget that sharing is caring, so feel free to share this post through our socials on Facebook and Twitter.

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